Forest Fire

Submit a Wildfire Story

We would love to share your story! As we engage with the accounts of others we may find similarities and differences, providing connections as well as broadening our perspectives. We hope that sharing your own story of this traumatic time, as well as viewing the narratives of community members, will have a therapeutic effect.  Your story can be expressed through audio / video recording, writing, photography and / or art!

TBA: The stories will most likely be shared on our website - details still to be worked out!  We may also have a binder available in the library with the written stories printed.

TBA: We may enlist the support of mental health workers to be part of this project as well!

Here are a few questions/ideas to think about to get your story started:

  • What was your role (ex. evacuated, not evacuated, emergency services, leadership...)?
  • Describe your travel experiences.
  • Where did you stay? 
  • Who did you meet?
  • What did you do?
  • Describe your challenges.
  • Describe something positive.
  • In what ways did you feel supported during this time?
  • Describe your return / return to normalcy.
  • If comfortable, share your emotional journey.

You can submit recordings, documents, or photos online by clicking the button below:

*If you don't have access to the technology to submit online, please contact our programmer, Verna, at the library.  We will help you sort something out!

**While we are very interested in hearing the truth of your experience, we ask that you refrain from sharing in ways that could be interpreted as malicious towards others.  Thank you!