
The Library Board was established as an independent corporate body under Municipal Bylaw.  The Library Board is a recognized charity: 10705 1252 RR0001.

The Library Board has full legislative authority for the management and provision of library services in the municipality. The Board approves annual budgets and has financial oversight of library operations. In addition, the Board determines service objectives for the library that are appropriate to the needs of the community and re-examines them periodically. The Board also develops policies governing library programs and operations in consultation with the library's manager.

Contact the Library Director at 780-514-2722 for more information on applying to serve on the Board.

Town of Drayton Valley Library Board

Karen Hickerty


Sandra Blades


Tom McGee

Town Councillor

Glen Gunderson

County Councillor

Ali Al-Adra

Member at Large

Rachel Canton

Member at Large

Rosemarie Mayan

Member at Large

Colleen Schoeninger

Member at Large

Susan Schwindt

Member at Large

Mary Tourneur

Member at Large

Library Board meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month starting at 1:15 pm in the Civic Centre. 

Meetings are open to the public.